023【聊聊夢想 Talking about dreams - Fatta in Casa - Victoria 】


My dream is to open a restaurant , i told to my mate i will have my own store one day , you should try it !!


I ever told to my classmate and teacher my dream before , but it just a thought , i should work in the filed that i studied after graduated . However , i figure out one thing is : when you find your dream , and you'll have a strong desire of it , no matter how long time pass by , you will keep it in mind .
I always hope i can have a chance to try it , so when i knew my aunt is going to open a B&B in Ilan and let me hold the chef position , i was really really happy !!


Now is the most busy time for me in my life , but also the happiness time , i don't even feel i'm working .

以前好保守,後來覺得與其害怕退縮不如嘗試看看,做不好頂多被罵,也不會要了我的命,我寧願試過也不要沒做過,我一直都覺的自己要當個doer 不要只是當dreamer,作夢大家都會,我一定要把我想要的實踐!

Looking back i was too conservative , but i thought is better to try it than only just feel fear to carry or just think . I'll just get blame others nothing i'll lose . I rather i try it than just think . I always want myself to be a doer not a only a dreamer!! Everyone are able to dream , but i want it come true !

Victoria 跟我一樣是7年級生,生長在一個灰色年代(爸媽因為從小辛苦過,所以期望給孩子們好的教育學習環境,要考高中,大學,上班有穩定收入或進大公司,買房,結婚,生子,覺得這樣就是一個幸福人生方程式),轉換到一個鮮明自由,追求自我,勇於表達嚐試跟學習的地球村時期

Victoria and i , we are grew up in a alternate age ( our parent told us to study hard for study in a good high school, college , than you can work in a big company and buy a house , to have a family and children , that is a happiness life , but we found that is not the only way to find our happy life ,when we grew up .. We found the younger student they are more open minded and would like to experience about life to be themselves , to express the thought. )


Maybe it's happen in every generation , some people will choose realistic life or not , It's not about right or wrong is about what you learn and what bring you thought that is meaningful for us.


Do you understand yourslef? will you listen your heart? If there is chance to let you do the things you like , what will you choose ? to risk or stay in the safe circle ? Dream is not only a bubble , we should not bounded ourselves no matter what people say or the fear of the unknown future .


even only you can enjoy the dream , but we can say we have courage to promise ourselves to make it reality . I learn to be appreciate , be cherish , be humble to explorer myself . I'm on the way to my dream everyday , and i want to invited you to join us , to dream to experience then you will gain more in life .and understand what i try to said .


Victoria is a high standard person , she will update her cook work on blog and FB , if you like to eat or like her story , just come to visit her give her some encourage !!

Fatta in Casa(台灣有機食材的素食PIZZA ; Vegetarian Pizza of organic food from Taiwan ):


網友在宜蘭日光小鎮民宿體驗&品嚐Victoria的料理及甜點心得:A bloger who ever come to Sun and Light town B&B and wrote the experience here:




